I’m celebrating today - for a couple of reasons. First of all, I have a new book out – The Proud Wife is released in Harlequin Presents Every new book that I have published is a real thrill. It’s a delight and an excitement that never goes away – no matter how many titles I have in my backlist. This latest, brand-new, beautiful ‘baby’ is one I’ve never seen in the shops before. It’s a ‘first’ for this title and seeing it in all its untouched beauty in a new cover, new title is a very special thrill. A whole new beginning.It’s one of the best things about being an author. That feeling of seeing your work in print is something that never fades – or it hasn’t for me. I may be heading for my 60th romance title but I always love that feeling of having a brand new book out there so that readers can find it and - hopefully - enjoy it. So The Proud Wife is one reason why I’m celebrating. I’m so happy to have this book out in the shops and I hope that readers will love my heroine Marina and her estranged husband the Sicilian Prince Pietro D’Inzeo. I’ve been thrilled by the response to this book in the UK – it was at #1 in the bestsellers on the Mills & Boon website for 3 weeks and one reviewer called it a ‘Modern masterpiece’.

But there’s a second reason why this month is very special for me and that involves a past book – one that I had published last year – in March 2010 to be precise. I’m now finally able to announce, The Konstantos Marriage Demand, has just been awarded Best Presents Extra 2010 in the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Awards. I just wish I could be at the RT convention this week to pick up the award but I’m in the UK and I’m on a really tight deadline so there just wasn’t the opportunity to be there. I’ll raise a toast to the book – and to everyone who’s going to be there anyway!
Both The Proud Wife and The Konstantos Marriage Demand are about one of the themes I most love to write – and read about - in romance. And that’s the theme of lovers reunited. When a couple have once been lovers - once so very close, intimate in all ways that a man and woman can be, and then are torn apart by some action of Fate, some terrible mistake on the part of one – or both of them – the fact that they once cared so much makes the pain of the break-up so much worse to bear. When my hero and heroine have once felt a deep, passionate love and something comes along to destroy that feeling then where there once was a deep love, now there is a deep, deep pain. The loss of the feeling they once had leaves a real emptiness inside. And they close themselves off from the source of that loss – the person they once loved.
I love writing this theme because there is so much raw emotion in the idea of second chances, of the hope of starting again, building a new future from the shattered pieces of the old one. So this is a really appropriate time of year for these books to come out. Here in the UK, the real signs of Spring are starting to show. The tulips and daffodils are coming into flower, so are the primroses, all making a brave display of colour and brightness after the long dark, cold days of winter. The blossom is blooming in the trees, the birds are singing and building nests and a whole new sense of life and renewal is filling the air .
I always think that this is just like a romance story. We have a saying that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb – and that’s the way the story of lovers reunited develops. The conflict between them – the reasons why they split up, the lack of trust, the anger and pain that drove them apart are all like the stormy, dark days of winter. Times when the wild winds howl and the nights are cold and bleak. But slowly, gradually that coldness changes and turns into a hope of a new spring – a new beginning. It’s not a just a new calm but a green, golden and fertile peace. One that has the promise of potential for growth and trust – and a whole new future.
That’s why Spring has always been my favourite season and it’s the reason why I love reunion stories so much. In The Proud Wife, Pietro and Marina start out in one of the darkest times in their lives. When the love they once shared seems to have totally disappeared, been destroyed by the tragedy that tore them apart. Both of them believe that there is no future for them together – and they meet up in the lawyer’s office to put the final nail in the coffin of their marriage – and sign the divorce papers. But from their very first meeting, it’s so obvious that there is still so much between them – if only they can work through the pain of the past.
They don’t find it easy. They’re both proud, determined people. Both hurt by the past and scared of going through that pain all over again. But they both know that no one else has ever made them feel the way they make each other feel. So can they find a way to put the past behind them, put right the mistakes they made, and create for themselves a new future – together?
You’ll have to read The Proud Wife to find out! Romantic Times gave this book 4.5 stars and called it “ an emotionally charged page-turner with plenty of tension and passion.” And that sounds to me like ‘coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb’ – just like the month of March merging into April as Spring arrives.
You can find out more about The Proud Wife over on my web site and you can read all my latest news and the most up to date events on my blog. I hope to see you there